Friday, October 20, 2017

Week in Review: 10/16-10-20

Day Three:
There was a short break after our mid semester exams so there were no classes on Monday or Tuesday. When we got back on Wednesday a new block or quarter started and there will be new classes starting which means I do not have observational drawing or studio research anymore. Our new classes will be Experimental Drawing and Studio Make. During our lecture we listened to a select group of upperclassmen present their art and that their college experience has been so far at Alfred University. After their presentations we got to talk to the students one on one to ask any additional questions about our work and about student life.

Day Four:
Thursday was our first day of the class called Studio Make. We were asked to bring our work gloves and our safety glasses in our toolboxes for the next few days. The class was split into two groups for half to gather supplies and for the other half to go to a wood shop training class. The group that I was in what where we went outside to gather tree branches, leaves and vines for our next big art project. After collecting our materials we brought all the supplies back to the foundations studios.

Day Five:
On Friday the two groups switches spots so today I went to the wood shop training. We were shown how to use certain saws and sanders as well as the safety precautions along with using the supplies. After the workshop we had time to work on our projects because now the other group gathered the other half of the materials that we need for our project. With the remaining time in class we had the chance to work on our projects. The concept of the project was to create a bunch of leaves and twigs and build off of that piece of the project. The rest of the day I worked in the studios to get a head start on my project. Also, the important part of this project was that the project that we were starting is our only project of this quarter which means that we will be working on this piece for the next six weeks.

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