Thursday, October 12, 2017

Theory of Me: Group Pieces & Questions

Ethan Samaha:

1.) Should I have the writing be part of the piece or have two separate pieces?

I think the concept of hold a piece of art is very meaningful to the viewer and makes the viewer's experience of the art very individualized. 

2.) When I created the piece, I had boxes that reminded me which portion of the paper was which number. Should I have kept the boxes to let viewers follow the lines and make their own discoveries? 

I like the artistic choice of not keeping the boxes in the background because it shows the symbolic aspect of the lines and points. I think in this case less is more and each line had a meaning and you did not need any extra lines in the piece. 

3.) In this piece I was unsure whether or not to have every set of numbers be a different color to represent the different numbers that represent myself. What do you think? 

I prefer the choice that you have made with just keeping the piece in black and white because I think it adds more character to the piece. I personally think of the dehumanization of the individual in society. 

4.) If I kept all the lines black, should I either give a key to the viewer showing the paths to the numbers or not? what do you think I should do? 

I personally prefer the idea of mystery and having to figure out the artist's thought process. It makes it more interesting and up to how the viewer interprets the art. 

5.) Does the shape work in relation with showing the connection between all the represented numbers of myself? 
I think as you read the text provided it is all literally connecting the dots on the piece. 

Here is the Artist's blog and contact information

Claire Stephenson:

1.) If you had to describe the piece of art to a friend over the phone, how would you do it and what words would you use? 

To describe this piece I would describe it to be abstract and my interpretation of it would be about human connection and hearing/interacting with others. 

2.) If you personally made a piece like this, what would you have done additionally to it before a final review/critique?

I think I would have used another color to contrast the lilac color used. 

3.) What are your eyes drawn to?

I am drawn to the the section that looks like an ear. 

4.) Is the piece obvious to what the message really is?

I think this piece makes you have to think deeply of what the meaning is to you which I think id really nice and refreshing. It is not a concrete approach but it is more abstract and up for interpretation. 

5.) Should I have created something 3D?

I liked the idea of having it be abstract and 2D rather than 3D. 

Here is the Artist's blog and contact information:

 Aleister Huntley:

1.) Is the title "Washed Out" fitting?

Yeah, I think the title is fitting of the piece. The piece looks very airy and light with handling of your medium.

2.) Can two dimensions and grey scale express melancholy?

If it is done right, I think you can but that can also contribute to the composition of the piece.

3.) Does the drawing look finished?

It looks like it is almost finished. I think if you added a simple background and some thinner strands of hair would benefit this piece a lot.

4.) Does it actually look like me?
When I first saw the piece I could instantly tell that it was you. You did well on drawing your facial structure and features.

5.) Can you tell I am sad in my drawing of myself?

From my interpretation, I can see you deep in thought or wondering about something.

Here is the Artist's blog and contact information:

Chloe Kottwitz:

1.) I almost just left the pictures in a pile, what do you think?

I preferred the pictures to be placed like a collage. I think it added more meaning and a personalized touch to the piece.

2.) Would it be different if I gave each of you a cookie personally?

I think giving the cookie individually would make it more intimate because you are eating the art as well as interacting with the artist in the process.

3.) Did you feel like you were allowed to touch it?

At first I thought that the cookies were just for display but when you said that we could eat it and interact with the art I was really surprised.

4.) Did you wonder why this round?

5.) Did you smell any or just look?

I decided to just look because when I ate the cookie I thought that was the scent that also connected to the sense of taste.

 Here is the Artist's blog and contact information:

Jacob Willcox:

1.) What is it you see upon first sight?

I see the glass sphere in the rocking chair. 

2.) Is the choice of colors effective?

I think they contrast nicely and add to the mood of the piece. 

3.) Do the mediums interact well or clash with each other? 

I think the mediums work well with each other. However, my only question is why did you only have the far back wall of the box be decorated with the colored pieces of paper and not the other sides of the box? 

4.) Is the sound distracting or add to the mood?

In my opinion I think that the sound adds to the mood of the piece. My interpretation from the piece is that it is very dreamlike.  

5.) Is the space scary or inviting? 

I think it is neither inviting nor scary. It is more like how you imagine a scene in a dream and you are simply observing. 

 Here is the Artist's blog and contact information:
Nic Osinoff: 

1.) Do you think I could have challenged myself a bit more artistically? 

I really liked this piece, I think it is a great start. I think if you added some more detail into the drawing of you at the bottom middle section I think it would have added to the piece to make it more realistic. For example, if the hair was more detailed it would draw my eye there first than to the rest of the text. 

2.) Is it too on the nose? Is that a bad thing?
I like how it is not just the eyes. I think he nose shows more of you and of yourself in the piece. 

3.) Could I have stood to use color differently/more mindfully? 

I love the ombré  and the gradients that you add into your piece. I think it is really nice. Were they supposed to be thought bubbles or clouds? 

4.) What emotions does is provoke, if any?

I think this reminds me of deconstructing the concept of personality and thought process. I think it makes me do a lot of deep thinking including all the aspects of a person that makes us... us. 

5.) What other words do you think would fit into the piece? 

Growth: the process of developing of maturing physically of spiritually. (dictionary definition) 

Here is the Artist's blog and contact information:

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