Friday, September 15, 2017

Week in Review: 9/11 - 9/15

Day One: Observational Drawing
Monday the art professors critiqued our work of the fantasy pieces. Some of the pieces students made were not exactly what the professors expected to see in the project. However, the critique went well and a lot of constructive criticism was said to hep improve everyone's art. After the hour long critique we went outside and practiced observational drawing and practiced identifying where our eyeliner was in our sketches. The homework due the next day was to make a black and white charcoal piece of a building and to make the structure proportional and true to scale as well as drawing where our eye line was on our piece.

Day Two: Observational Drawing
Tuesday's art class started with a critique on our homework assignment in charcoal. The professors said how our work had improved since the last critique. After our critique we went to the main art studios and did more practice on our observational drawing. Our assignment was to use dry erase marker on a window panel and outline what we see. After that activity we went outside for more observational practice and in groups we went to the library to see a section of the library that is dedicated to art books. The point of visiting that section of the library was to tell students that it is a great resource to visit and find inspiration. The homework due next week is to find a light source from outside and make a charcoal drawing of it. The only light values of the piece is the bare paper and to make the piece have a lot of dark values.

Day Three: Lectures
Halfway through the week was a more relaxed class. There were lectures from Alfred students and the staff about resources on campus and how to get more involved in the art program. We met with our assigned academic advisors to answer any questions that we might have as well as learn more about specific majors and concentrations.

Day Four: Studio Research
In studio research we had to find 3 or 4 object in our designated areas and bring them in. (Refer to the blog post Review Collection Installation). That morning the groups were finalizing their museum displays and had a critique on all four installations. After our installations we watched videos of performance art from John Cage. The reason for watching those videos was to show us how much sound impacted how viewers interpret art and performance. Our homework was to write a review on our experience doing the installation and to record ten sounds throughout the day with assigned prompts.

Day Five: Studio Research
Today a few students presented their blogs and their recordings. The professors also talked to us about blog tips and how to form a certain theme or aesthetic to our blogs. There were also some technical issues with students with other platforms of blogging. We went over how to fix those issues when uploading audio files and posts for homework. We also listened to the sounds students made and used clay to interpret what we heard into something physical to show how sound does affect our artwork. We went over "The Rules of Art" and how we interpreted them.
Notes in my Sketchbook

Clay and Sound Exercise