Thursday, September 28, 2017

Glass Casting: Experience

September 28th in foundations class was held outside and when I came up to the studios I saw a long table covered in brown paper. We were told by our professors that we were going to eat that day. We were part of a performance art piece that class and we were provided breakfast. We got to sit down wherever we wanted to and we set out our places with plates, bowls, spoons, etc. We had to trace where we placed all of our utensils and things at our place setting and we had to get up and were told that we may have some coffee and juice. When everyone was socializing we were individually called to sit down at an assigned place by the professors across from another student. We had our name written down at our place and it was not the seat that we were originally at. We were then able to get our food and after every five bites of food we had to stand up. After everyone was done eating we had a partner activity to do. The person across from us was to be our partner in our performance art piece and we had to give each other instruction on something that we are good at. For example, I told my partner the instructions on how to draw a tiger and she told me the instructions to make a cappuccino.  After the sets of instructions were finished we had to use our leftover food and plates to make a sculpture. After we made our sculpture we had to redo it to a smaller scale. After our pieces were reduced to the size of a small plate we had to work with our partner to create a combined piece using the materials that we were given. Later we find out that we have to stabilize the form to be cast in glass the next week.
For me and my partner, we decided to put glass over our piece instead of having our relic be imprinted in sand. We had to instruct the students/teachers working with the glass what we wanted them to do and after the glass was poured, we got to use glassmaking tools to manipulate the glass to the shape we wanted. In our piece, we used baking soda to add a frosty look to the glass and give it a unique texture. 

Our "Relic" of our performance art piece

Glass Studios

The finished piece casted in glass

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