Monday, September 25, 2017

New York City Field Trip: 9/23-9/24

This weekend the foundations had a class field trip to New York city for the weekend where we got to tour multiple art museums and have a chance to go off of campus. We had the options to pick the museums we wanted to go to and I decided to visit The Whitney Museum of American Art, Museum of Art and Design (MAD) and The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Everyone also visited the place called The Gallery District (I think that is the name). We also had free time to get dinner and do what we please so I took the subway to Chinatown and Little Italy and got dinner with a friend who is a first year at an NYC college near there.

My experience at The Whitney Museum of American Art:
My personal opinion of the Whitney was that it was very interesting with a lot of different exhibits with a wide range of mediums and themes that many people liked. Some floors I did not like as much because I had some difficulty understanding the art because it Wass more abstract but I still thought it was very interesting because the artist made a piece so profound and interesting to the eye. I also found the interactive exhibits very different and captivating because it let me have a sensory understanding of the art displays. I personally liked this exhibit where you got to walk through water and sand barefoot and the water was cold. It made my senses more heightened and made me feel very refreshed. IT gave me a different perspective of art that that not just in 2D form.

My Experience of MAD:
I signed up for visiting MAD not having any sort of expectation or idea of what it would be like. I was pleasantly surprised with the art exhibits because a lot of them focused on the relationship between art and sound and how your senses impact your perspective of the art. I enjoyed this one exhibit where there was a "Sound Playground" and it toyed with the idea of playing with sound (pun intended) and when you interacted with the exhibit it would make sound. The bars were like touchpad that DJs use and would light up when stimulated by touch. I liked this experience because I did not know how much sound is influenced on how we as viewers interpret art.

Visiting the Met:
I have been to the Metropolitan Museum of Art before and I think it is one of my favorite American museums that I have visited in my little experience of visiting art museums. I always admired this one piece of a deer covered in crystal spheres and a window is placed behind it to mimic the look of it being transparent but is it really a taxidermied deer so if you look closer you can see the animal. This piece is called Pix-Cell-Deer by the artist Kōhei Nawa (made in 2011).