Friday, September 15, 2017

Daily Practice:

For my art class of studio research I was assigned to do a daily practice where I record an everyday moment throughout the week. I was deciding on themes for my weekly theme and I had the idea of doing splits across campus because I am a dance minor and I am constantly dancing and fidgeting. So I made it a mission to do playful and humorous photos throughout the week my adventures going to class and getting meals.

Some of the locations I did splits were:

  1. The information desk at Powell
  2. The middle of the road in town
  3. Under a bridge on campus
  4. In the dance studios at Miller
  5. In Cohen Studios 
  6. Openhym Residence Hall
  7. Walking path after Midknight 
I think my favorite picture this week was of my second day of doing the daily practice in town. In this picture I had to run out in the middle of the road when no cars were passing by. 

I thought it was really great that I had a fun task to do on my way to classes which I personally thought it made the hours go by faster and gave me something to look toward to after a long day. One moment that I thought was very amusing was on Friday when I was at the Cohen Studios in town and my group was working on a project due the next morning and I had to do my daily practice so I told my roommate to take my picture and in the middle of our display I dropped into the splits and my group thought it was really amusing that I have been doing this every day for a week. 

To see all the images I took throughout the week click on the link below of my daily blog of progress on my art projects and daily practices.