Monday, January 22, 2018

The Balloon Project: Documantation Checklist

Explanation of the Assignment:
Today in class our assignment was inspired by The Voyager Mission more specifically, the Golden Record. The assignment was to create a message that we would want to send to aliens not using words but making a visual translation of the text. I then drew images to represent my message as if an extraterrestrial happened to read it after it was released. We had to document our messages and our envelope that we also had to decorate them. To release our letters we tied them to balloons with string to be released into the sky. The class had to decide the right place to release our letters and we decided to walk to hairpin that overlooked the town and SUNY Alfred and we got to decide how we got there (ex: get coffee or go through other buildings across campus). We all released our balloons at the same time over hairpin. As we released the ballots we documented the release through photo and video. For this project it made me realize that it was not about the end product but it was about the process. I personally had my balloon's string break and my letter was released a bit earlier than everyone else but it did not hinder my understanding of the assignment. I think my letter was more of a vague question to ask but my message could have different interpretations. For my documentation I did mostly photography and included video. I also walked up to hairpin with a few people and they had asked us about what we were doing and they asked if we were art students which thought was very interesting. I made me realize how much of an artistic community I live in and how art is its own language that even someone across the world could understand.

Rough Sketches of the letter
 Left image: front of the letter        Right image: back of the letter

Envelope Drawing

Other classmates preparing their letters and traveling to the launch site

My release of the letter
Group Release photo at Hairpin 
Group Release Video

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