Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Dance: A Universal Language

This piece is titled Dance: A Universal Language. This is probably one of my favorite pieces from my senior year art show because to me personally it showed a lot of improvement in my artwork in comparison to whenI first started that year. the background of the piece is the word dance in 15+ languages including Spanish, Chinese, French, English, Japanese, etc. My concentration for my AP Studio Art was dancers and most of the time I would be doing a full figure drawing and I wanted to try to switch up my interpretation of m theme. I decided to just focus on the legs of the dancers in great detail rather than do a piece with the full figure but more generalized. I wanted to incorporate my interests into this piece and I love to learn languages. I have learned two foreign languages and I want to learn more in the future. This is the end product of combining three interests of mine: dance, art and languages.